Our skull and its contents is about 10-14 lbs which sit on top of the neck. The head and neck region, especially near the joint between our skull and the first vertebrae (atlas or C1) is rich in vital nerves and blood vessels to the brain.
The upper neck allows your head and neck to move freely without any spinal disc attachment, or any interlocking joints unlike anywhere else in your spine. It is the weakest region of your spine for this reason.
Whether it be sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, minor falls or little bumps to the head, these types of events create interference on the nerves leaving your spinal canal, which could be enough to weaken the signals of your nervous system.
The injuries can also cause tearing of the loose connective tissues, ligaments and supporting muscles around the head and neck which affects your normal posture to break down, causing stresses throughout the body.
When this is left uncorrected, the dysfunction can be widespread.
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"Look Well to the Spine for the Cause of Disease." ~ Hippocrates